Friday, August 30, 2013

Aug. 20 & 21

Tuesday - a slower day.  I went to the dentist to find out why my new crown is sensitive and then some shopping errands.  Gary worked on projects and experienced the heavy rain storm that came through.

Wednesday - we went to the 9:00 AM opera house tour given by volunteers at the opera. Very informative, we would recommend it if you have any interest in what goes on back stage for the performers, costumers, set movements, tech people, etc.  They also told us the history of the Opera House & the area.  Then we went downtown and toured the Loretta Chapel. Very interesting.   Had lunch on the deck of the Marble Brewing company, which overlooks the square.  Great pizza!
Then we came across The Big 5 Sporting Goods store.  Score!  We each found shoes for our Amazon job, a hydration bag, walking stick and water bottle.  Great prices too.  Home for a nap, (we can do that now) and then enjoyed a nice evening on the patio.

Another beautiful evening!

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